A.E.C LEA.DF Cyber Security and Ethical Cyber Piracy


1 years
(3 Semesters)

Language of Instruction



AEC (Attestation d'études collégiales)

Delivery Options

(On-Campus and Virtual)


January, March
May and Sep

Cyber Security

About the Course

If security is what you are worried about, we are worried about the world’s security in terms of cyberattacks.

At Kensley, to encompass the heart of the origins, Cybersecurity Diploma Program is introduced. The course is imbibed with the new-age technology, skills required to defend and append the computer OS, networks and data from variant cyber attacks. The course focuses on making the students ready for the on-demand openings of Cybersecurity professionals. As the course offsets all the key technologies, it will prepare your set for variant career opportunities.

Cyber security professionals are in huge demand as more and more businesses are going online. At Kensley College you will explore modules to prepare you for safety challenges. Study new critical issues such as distributed ledgers and big data technologies alongside ethical frameworks that help make you a unique professional.

What will you learn? You will learn everything about

  • Computer network and security bases
  • Network security threats, attacks, controls, agreements, and devices
  • Use of firewall security, VPN, and IDS management
  • Predicting and managing various network security risks and vulnerabilities
  • Complete information on network, telecom, web and computer systems
  • Information on current security agreements for multiple operating platforms
  • The skills of “hacking”, with authorization, to audit existing and potential weaknesses
  • Defensive, remedial measures to protect systems from attack by malicious networks
  • Information on various cyber vulnerabilities and exploitation
  • Skills to protect web communications and technology
  • Ability to copy and write program codes
  • Soft skills, such as writing reports, and being a team player
  • Command line control, OS concepts, communications, and different protocols

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Career Prospects

With the growing demand for skilled Cyber Security professionals worldwide, this program will enable you to meet the organizations’ needs. As a profitable, growing field, Cybersecurity is focused on protecting organizations from digital attacks, threats and data breaches. Setting the standards high in every walk, the cybersecurity field offers various job opportunities.

Potential jobs may include:

  • Information Security Analyst
  • Information Security Manager
  • Security Developer
  • Security Engineer

Popular industries that employ cyber security professionals include computer programming and related services; corporate and business management; credit arbitration and related functions; and administrative, scientific and technical services.

Course Outline


Networking speaks of learning about basic computer data network skills including VPN Communications, OS and information Management.

This portion talks of more improved skills. The learners learn about assessing traffic (most important in the digital world). The students are taught about different OS, data storage and handling.

Coding for Cyber security
Application of Coding
Data privacy in the Cyber World
Ethical Cyber Piracy
Crisis management

How to apply?

For International students outside Canada

To acquire a seat for our Diploma Programs, you should be a Graduate and must produce records of the periods of study taken back at home.

You must have qualified IELTS all bands 6 or 4 modules overall 6.5 It must be accompanied with complimented by considerable financial assets and complimentary work experience.

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For International Students within Canada

To acquire a seat in our Diploma Programs, you should be a graduate from a recognized university and must produce records of the periods of study. The students with an overall grade of 60% will be deemed fit for these programs. IELTS all bands 6 or 4 modules overall 6.5 are mandatory. The credentials must be accompanied by reliable financial assets and complimentary work experience.

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Choose Your Path

We are very excited for you to take the next step in your career path and apply to Kensley College.

Why join Kensley

Cyber Security

Experienced Faculty

Our trainers have produced the students that have led the world at different levels and tough times.

The professors of Kensley College have experience of the industry as well as education and that shapes the students comprehensively.

With skilled and certified trainers in our faculty team, we create a culture and bond between students and teachers which is necessary for continuous learning and growth.



Industry Experienced Founders

The Kensley College Inc is founded by two professionals to bridge the gap between academic courses and industry

demands which they felt was widening due to rapid advancement of technology and change in Industry. The Curriculum has been designed in proper monitoring of experts including the founders which laid the foundation of the most updated syllabus of this Diploma Course.



360 Degree Approach

Unlike the traditional way of teaching, Kensley College has evolved its teaching method by blending the practical knowledge

equally with theoretical knowledge. We ensure that Labs are not just attended by students but attentively implemented and executed in terms of projects and internships. It is also reflected in the grading system which weighs the practical knowledge and theoretical knowledge equally.



The campus at Heart of City

Studying in a well-connected college with the city is always an added advantage. The Kensley College Inc Campus connects

to the city centres, food stalls and restaurants, malls and hospitals easily. You get privileges of more services within the campus also with high-quality food and libraries making it a perfect place for growing and learning. We ensure you get all amenities that aids the learning.



Updated Courses

Kensley College Inc is different because of its updated courses with emerging technologies. Our administration committee regularly evaluates the relevancy of the course with the involvement of alumni and industry experts shaping the course to stay updated every year. Again, this step has made us the most connected college with the companies which offers Internships and Job Roles.