Top Digital Transformation Trends To Watch In 2020-2021

Digital transformations picked up pace in the year 2020. Internet usage became ubiquitous, while data analytics is still going strong. However, emerging technologies are more likely to make a mark in 2021 and revolutionize lifestyles, business, and work patterns.

Customer Data Platforms

Big data and predictive analytics are here to stay in the connected world. Data warehousing, visualization tools, and cloud solutions are also very popular. But, the proliferation of voluminous data led to a lot of inconsistencies. Fragmented data from multiple sources has become a burden.

US businesses lose US$3 trillion per year due to bad data (source). Thankfully, customer data platforms evolved to solve this problem. CDPs can organize and curate complex data in a quick time. They also facilitate accelerated data collection for holistic business models.

Hybrid Cloud

SaaS and on-premise solutions have their pros and cons. But these private and public clouds can be put together. The resultant hybrid puts the cloud infrastructure to best use. The big providers like Oracle, Azure, IBM, Google, and AWS are investing in this direction.

Tools that can simply connect private data centers to the cloud are currently under development. The other areas of interest are exponential data growth, privacy, security, and compliance. IoT platforms with open source software and hybrid cloud are also being conceived.

5G networks promise secure connectivity and superior bandwidth. They facilitate a multi-channel superhighway that connects IoT sensors, smart devices, and computers. 5G mainstream appeal is due to the influx of online education, digital business, and remote work. China is already deploying these networks. Also, 5G phones from Apple, Motorola, Xiaomi, and Samsung are on the anvil.


Corona pandemic led to job losses and excessive digital dependency. Hackers are exploiting this remote working situation by unleashing viruses and malware. Cloud servers and banks saw an increase in attacks by 600% and 238%, respectively (source). To tackle these problems, cybersecurity has become prominent again.

Companies are shoring up their networks and designing new security plans. They are factoring in home networks, AI-powered tools, firewalls, and intrusion detection. IBM, Cisco, Microsoft, and Splunk are investing in security as threat growth is more likely to be higher for 2020-2021.

Confidential Computing

Online communications and Big data throw up security issues. Data privacy and confidentiality becomes paramount. Encryption and security systems protect this sensitive information. As threats increase, these primary defenses are not sufficient. New security paradigms, protocols, and practices become vital. These opportunities are being explored by the Confidential Computing Consortium. IBM, Microsoft, Alibaba, Google, and VMWare are bringing them into the mainstream by 2021.

Headless Ecommerce

This concept is a disruptive technology for reshaping eCommerce. It separates the front-end presentation layer from back-end operations. For example, you can buy trendy shoes through Amazon Alexa or purchase fashion wear from social media. The headless tech connects AI devices with warehouses, storefronts, and online services. You can efficiently streamline the supply chain to stay ahead of competitors. This innovation also lowers the costs of customer engagement and acquisition.

Home Office

The global Covid-19 pandemic altered the nature of work. Companies introduced virtual technology into their production processes. Workers no longer have to work from the office premises. They can stay at home and collaborate with their colleagues using online tools.

The managers also use project management software to design and complete the workflows. Also, sales of PCs, video conferencing solutions, and flexible, scalable connections will increase in the year 2021. Smart work and secure networks will spread populations around in cities, towns, and villages.

AI Democratization

The virus pandemic hastened the process of AI technology adoption. Businesses and governments used data and machine learning techniques to educate the masses, and will more likely continue in 2021. AI tools will not help to tackle global-scale economic and market problems.

AI will produce faster, scalable, and efficient solutions for various industries. It nows recommends movies and videos and suggests the best products when you shop online. Powerful hardware and software will reach the masses through cloud platforms and third-party apps. Ordinary users will have access to superior processing power through this AI democratization.

Foldable Devices

The year 2021 will also see a shift from flat screens to foldable devices. The hardware form factor is always a big challenge. But Microsoft and Samsung have come up with hybrid devices. You can use them as phones or as tablets.

These lighter, smaller gadgets will also ensure 24X7 connectivity. Moreover, they assure high-quality picture resolution, reliability, and durability. These lightweight products will also fit nicely into the pocket. Other new trends include 5G-powered notebooks, multi-screen devices, and the always-connected PC for businesses and entertainment.

Finally, quantum computing is getting pushed forward by IBM, Honeywell, AWS, IonQ, etc. As of now, the application area is restricted to Big Data. The technology helps you query, analyze, monitor, and modify data at scale from any source at any time. It is also useful in cybersecurity, financial modeling, energy conservation, and weather forecasting.